Young Friends of the Academy's first-ever on-campus workshop Meet the Clown in You was successfully held on 23 Aug (Tue) at the Academy's Drama Blackbox in collaboration with Free-To-Play, which was founded by some of our School of Drama alumni.
《演藝青年之友》首個實體活動— Meet the Clown in You 戲劇小丑工作坊 在8月23日於香港演藝學院黑盒子劇場圓滿舉行,亦是首次與由演藝學院畢業生創立的Free-To-Play劇團合作。
The workshop kicked off with some warm-up exercises for our Young Friends to get to know one another, be aware of space and practise the use of their bodies. After that were some improvisation exercises to help them kick into their acting gear.
Following a spectacular theatre clown performance by our coach, it was time for our Young Friends to don the red nose. They were given the challenge of expressing emotions using their own bodies and interacting with space. They were very committed and gave some really inspired performances!
Would you like to join our free workshops and meet new friends? Stay tuned for our updates!