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Music Masterclass

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嘉賓 Guest:

余頌恩博士 Dr. Grace Yu


Associate Professor (Academic Studies in Music) and Postgraduate Programme Leader (Music)

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大師班簡介 About the Masterclass


日期 Date:

19/7/2023 (三 Wed)

時間 Time: 


地點 Venue:

香港演藝學院 演奏廳

Recital Hall,

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

語言 Language:

廣東話 Cantonese

名額 Quota:


參加資格 Eligibility:

  • 七級或以上演奏証書,或有豐富演奏經驗

  • 可選擇小組合奏或合唱,中樂、西樂及聲樂均可

  • 需預先提交演奏歌曲名稱及演奏者名單

  • 自備樂器(鋼琴除外)

備註 Remarks:

  • 大師班舉行前兩星期已報名的會員會收到個別通知,請按指示提交相關資料Members who registered will receive individual notification two weeks prior to the Masterclass. Please provide the information according to the instructions

  • 如報名人數額滿,大會將進行遴選,未能獲選參加演奏,亦可以旁聽形式參加 If the registration is full, the participants will be selected to perform. Those who were not selected can participate in the Masterclass as observers.

嘉賓簡介 About the Guest

余頌恩博士 Dr. Grace Yu


Associate Professor (Academic Studies in Music) and Postgraduate Programme Leader (Music)

PhD, MM (Indiana), BA (Hons) (CUHK)




余氏在過去曾獲多項榮譽和獎學金,其中包括美國國家音樂榮譽協會的皮卡帕拉姆達(Phi Kappa Lambda)榮譽,香港管弦協會的萬瑞亭海外深造獎學金和尤德爵士紀念獎學金等。


Born in Hong Kong, Grace Yu received the Ph.D. in music theory and the M.M. in piano performance from the Jacobs School of Music of Indiana University Bloomington, and the B.A. (Hons.) in piano performance and composition from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Yu’s teaching areas at the academy include music theory, analysis, and music research seminars for masters and undergraduate programs. She has given papers and lecture-recitals at numerous international music conferences, such as the World Congress of Semiotics, International Liszt Bicentennial Conference, European Music Analysis Conference, International Congress of Music Signification, Canadian University Music Society, West Coast Conference of Music Theory and Analysis, and the Indiana University Graduate Theory Symposium.


Yu has also worked in various capacities in music as an orchestral pianist for the Bloomington Symphony Orchestra and the Columbus Indiana Philharmonic, as a conductor for professional and youth orchestras in North America, Europe, and Asia. She taught conducting for the masters program for the Hong Kong Baptist University. She also taught music theory, including both aural and written music theory for graduate and undergraduate students, as a graduate assistant at Indiana University.

Yu has received numerous honors and scholarships in the past. Notably she has been honored Pi Kappa Lambda by the National Music Honor Society in the USA, and she was the past recipient of the Bernard van Zuiden Music Scholarship from the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society and the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship.

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts



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